African Grey Parrots that are well cared for rarely become ill. You can do your bit by ensuring your bird’s cage is clean and decent, his diet is healthy with lots of variety and there are plenty of toys and above all has lots of opportunity for time with you. Sickness among birds tends occur when there is over crowding and amongst the very young and the very old much I guess as you would expect.
Parrots are very good at hiding signs of illness as weakness in the wild can mean death at the hands of others. But there are signs you can look for. Watch your bird’s behavior for things out of the ordinary and his droppings can alert you to problems. There are also other signs that can mean your bird is not well.
Excessive sneezing could mean a sinus infection, dry air or your parrot may be mimicing you. If your bird is not in dry air and you are not sneezing then a sinus infection could be the problem.
Excessive regurgitation may mean a crop infection.
Feather plucking can be the result of stress, boredom or have a medical explanation. No matter what the cause is you will need to get your bird checked over by your avian vet. Plucked feathers are pulled out of the skin making your bird vulnerable to infection.
Birds with droopy eyes, poor appetite or who sit at the bottom of the cage may be unwell. You should consult your vet straight away. Don’t wait, if your bird is ill getting treatment quickly always improves the chances of your bird fully recovering. Wrap him up in a towel and get him to the vet as soon as possible.
For those unexpected problems you should have a “home emergency kit” and this is what you should have in it.
Corn flour – to stop the bleeding if your bird breaks a beak or snaps a blood feather.
Electrolyte replacement fluid – your vet will be able to let you know what to use.
Needle nose pliars to pull out any broken blood feathers.
Betadine, or any other general antiseptic solution – to disinfect any open wounds.
A carry case or towel – to get your bird to the vet with minimal injuries to yourself and your bird.
If at any time your bird’s health gives you cause for concern go straight to your vet.It is much better to be safe than sorry.